Forest Fresh is a Perth based, family owned and run enterprise specialising in the supply of unique, high Activity honey sourced from the native forests of southern Western Australia. Our mission is to educate everyone on the powerful, natural and unique benefits of Western Australian honey, and provide only the highest quality products to customers all around the world.
Our extended family have been commercial Beekeepers in WA for over 100 years, so we have a deep knowledge of the local apiary industry. We also have strong scientific expertise, which is essential to understand the biology of the local native flora and the chemistry of the unique honeys derived from them.
We utilise our expertise to source a selected range of Active honeys from the best Beekeepers in WA and supply it, pure, raw and natural directly to you.
We pride ourselves in our family-like customer service, and providing products we know everyone will trust, love and enjoy.
We can supply highly bioactive honeys from the native forests in the southwest of WA thanks to our bees foraging on flowering trees that grow in these unique, pristine forests. Both the climate and soils of the forests are very harsh, so Jarrah and other trees grow slowly under persistent stress, and these conditions typically yield high quality nectar that our bees convert to bioactive honey.
The purpose of all life is to reproduce. For the forest trees to be successful they must attract pollinator insects to their flowers while conserving energy, and they evolved to meet this challenge by infrequent flowering and offering quality nectar over quantity. For example, a Jarrah tree sets flowers for only a few months every four years and each small flower secretes less than 1ml nectar in optimum climatic conditions. Although sparse, the nectar is highly attractive to the insects as it contains many of the nutrients required for life including simple and complex carbohydrates, phytochemicals, vitamins, oils, amino acids and more.
Our bees are selectively bred to forage the unique native flora in the state. They enthusiastically collect the forest nectar then add multiple beneficial enzymes to yield the strongly bioactive honey that we supply to you; pure, raw, and natural.

Our Jarrah honey has some of the highest Total Activity in the Australian Market. Total Activity (TA) is used to measure antimicrobial activity. TA is like a bacteria killing scale. The higher the TA the greater the antimicrobial strength. The anti-bacterial activity of honey is derived via natural enzymes and chemicals in the honey.