The Forest Fresh Upcycle Guide

upscycling glass jar

Upcycle, or upcycling, is a recent term coined to describe taking an object that is no longer used, and giving it a new function and therefore a second life. This is often done with plastic and glass packaging, such as our honey jars. Below are a range of ideas of how you can upcycle your packaging to get the most out of your purchase. 

  • Use the glass jars to make your own home made candles
  • Store bathroom items such as ear buds and makeup wipes in them
  • Paint the PET jars and use as small pot plants
  • Create dry cookie mix jar as a gift
  • Store spices or items you can purchase in bulk in the smaller sized jars
  • Use the glass as a unique cocktail or mocktail glass 
  • Use to jar your own jams and preserves - the beautiful chutney in the photo below was created by one of our customers

If you do try any of these, make sure you share them with us on social media by tagging @forestfreshhoney 

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